Thursday, February 9, 2012

By being so reliant on modern technology are we gradually losing?

the ability to think for ourselves, use common sense and make decisions using our own initiative?鈥?/a> last week it was a man driving his van up a mountainside after following GPS directions and it had to be airlifted down. Surely common sense tells you something is not right?

I saw a question on here yesterday "I have had a pain in my stomach for 90 seconds what should I do?" We all get pains occasionally. Can't the younger generation think for themselves anymore without having to resort to Google or Y!A to answer every query?By being so reliant on modern technology are we gradually losing?
The simple fact is most people are thick as pig sh!t , these people keep having more and more babies , intelligent people tend to have two at the most . So when you combine that with the deliberate dumbing down of education , medea and society in general what you get is a species that is no longer evolving but in fact devolving back towards the brute creation .
I'm quite impressed at how they managed to get their car into that water. I'm not so impressed by their inability to get it back out. You'd think they would have gotten bogged down much sooner.

There are a lot of people who just take stuff at face value. They rarely enquire further or examine what they see or hear. Technology just gives them the opportunity to put that on display.

The first carpenter to cut their thumb off with a saw, probably blamed the saw.

I had terrible pain in my stomach yesterday. Thankfully, I can fart.By being so reliant on modern technology are we gradually losing?
I am not so sure. I think modern technology simply makes the stupid look even more stupid, and the lazy even lazier. Those of us with some semblance of nous and awareness would know there was something wrong in the van driver's situation.

Increased expansion of the internet for example, merely means there are now a multitude of outlets for punters to order a great big bowl of stupid - except that on the internet, the whole world can see or read about one's moronic exploits.By being so reliant on modern technology are we gradually losing?
Yes we are. Simple basic skills are being neglected. However in defence of the ignorant or dim, if you have never been taught how to deal with simple, practical problems, you cannot be expected to know how to deal with them.

By asking a supposedly naive or dim sounding question, you are helping those who are not willing to ask. When a sensible answer is received, it helps an unknown number of people, and that is always worthwhile.

I will always answer the simple questions, as there are things I don't know and would like to know, but if I do know something, I will happily pass on that knowledge.
Yes... look at this scary video of how much we rely on technology. I warn you it's frightening and if you are frightened easily or have reactions to such things, don't click on the link. I will admit that I have lost more than one hour of sleep and have woken up in a panic sweat in the middle of the night thinking about this:
Over-dependence on technology is a dangerous thing. Too many people these days rely far too heavily on it, and consequently don't know what to do when things go wrong.

Technology, no matter how advanced, will never be a substitute for skill.
Tbh I'm sure quite a few of these people that drive up mountains and into lakes etc do it for media attention and the possibility of being able to sue the sat nav company.
Yep, common sense is getting quite rare in fact ....
Seems to me we have now lost touch with too many things Doc
thank god I have not lost that ability yet

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