Thursday, February 9, 2012

Do you think my schoolbus is insane?

ok so this rich peoples neighborhood didnt wana ride with the bad kids so they put them on my bus but my bus was already full so its now 20 people over the limit. 6th grade:

in 6th it was overcrowded waaaay over crowded and there were always fights and almost every seat was three to a seat and the bus had no airconditioning and we had substitute drivers all the time that had no idea where they were going and took directions from the kids. this one time we got a different bus that was worse then the old one the air was broken AND whatever liquid was in the A.C would rain all over the kids that sat underneath it. i sat underneath it.


slightly better crap-on wheels, had occasional A.C, stopped raining from A.C and we had a permenant bus driver. then one day kids were "standing up" and so shes going 40mph and slams on the brakes. three kids go bloody noses one kid broke there nose (hes homeschooled now) and almost everyone got whiplash. so she got fired (i stopped riding it for like 3 months) and for 3months they had substitute bus drivers. then i was forced to ride it cause we couldnt afford the gas bill from driving 20 mins. to and back everyday. so i was terrified for the rest of the year. and then they made my stop the LAST stop. i got home at 515. everyday. school gets out at 405.and then to make matters EVEN worse (there are 3 stops in my neighbor hood 1st one, mine and the 3rd.) THEY CANCEL MY STOP!!!!!!!!! i just looked it up on google maps and (my neighborhood is big) and from where they dropped me off its 0.5 miles to my house (thats why theres three stops) if your house is 1.5 miles from the school you get a bus. i had to walk half a mile. everyday. after running a whole mile in gym. everyday. o and dont forget the dogs. pitbulls. everyday.

8th grade:

this year hasnt been so bad cause a lot of 8th graders from last year gradutated and went to H.S. so its only like 9 seats with 3 in them each. and i thought this year would be different cause we got a nice bus driver and a bus that actually had A.C AND didnt leak all over the kids. so it was nice for the first month and a half of school. (in the bus loop theres a wall around thecircle so the buses hav to follow it) and so one day we were pulling out of the loop and we crash into the wall and take a HUGE chunk out of it. then we hav to get off and go into the cafeteria and were like *sigh* and then we get on the same bus! what if it was damaged or something! and now you are all caught up. do you think my schoolbus is insane? do you have any bus stories youd like to share?Do you think my schoolbus is insane?
hhahaha wow thats so insane! i'd petition for more busses!Do you think my schoolbus is insane?
I think you are lucky to have A/C at all. It's hot here for about 7 of the 10 months we go to school and no A/C on any bus except special ed. I also think you should campaign for your bus drivers to get paid more and for your district to buy more buses.

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Do you think my schoolbus is insane?
wow that sucks lol

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