Friday, February 3, 2012


Me and some of my friends are planning a road trip to Atlantis..So I found this site called "Google" and I tried to look up the directions..but nothing comes up. Odd, I know...I'm thinking maybe my Google is messed up or something..i dunno...... So anyways...I was wondering if you could help me with the directions if your Google is working or maybe if you've vacationed there before...I live in Atlanta..and also about how much gas do you think it would take to get there? I drive a 84 bronco. Thanks!CAN YOU GIVE ME DIRECTIONS TO ATLANTIS?
U can't get there from here. First u must go to Malacotia. Then from there u can take a special train to Mongo, then a shuttle will take u to Brumblium. And from there u can shoot on thru to Atlantis.

Let us know how u make out. And don't tip too much or u will get those Atlantian beggars followin u everywhere.
You're not gonna believe this, but they had a show on pbs where they found it, I'm dead serious, let me go find the link and I'll be right back.

Here's the link to the full Secrets of the Dead episode 'Sinking Atlantis' at PBS dot org…CAN YOU GIVE ME DIRECTIONS TO ATLANTIS?
Most likely you will need a submarine, a gps, and a shitload of gas. It is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, contrary to popular belief, and it is at 5000 feet below sea level. The gps coordinates are:

The lost city of Atlantis is considered by many historians to be the Minoan civilization on the island of Crete in the Mediterranean. That's the best I got. Good luck.
The only way to find out where Atlantis is is for you and your friend to ask around where you can score some good LSD eat it and then ask yourselves where Atlantis is; i bet youll find the directions then...
Sorry little lady, those directions are classified...
Tell me like when you know. I saw it on this big thing once, called the TV and like there was like this girl and like she's like half fish and like she wants legs and can like sing. ;P
These people can't answer a question to save their life. Ignore them.

Atlantis is in Las Vegas. From Atlanta, drive East then North.
if you have any marijuana, i guess thats a good start...
Hahahahah :) Good one.
rent a submarine and go deep into the ocean maybe your lucky and you'll find it.
You have to get a shovel and dig there. May take you a few years. Good luck!
Yea. Your gonna want to just head eat until you get to the Atlantic ocean and then drive off a bridge or something.
I can't seem to find directions to get inside of Area 51 as well.

Google maps..psh so effin worthless.
First star to the right, and straight on 'till morning :-)
just make a left at davey jones locker and you'll be there in about 5 minutes you cant miss it
Look for the Long John Silver.
Oh its a couple blocks down from KFC
u cant go to atlantis via road lol
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