Friday, January 27, 2012

Tips on driving through Canada from Oregon to Alaska?

I'm driving from Eugene, Oregon to Homer, Alaska. It's nearly 3,000 miles and I know there are moose, and cracks in the highway that could seriously damage a vehicle, I just didn't know if there were any "better" directions that google, Milepost, Map-quest, etc. Or any ridiculously good advice.

Thanks for the help!Tips on driving through Canada from Oregon to Alaska?
I've driven the Alcan four times.. Most important item are spare tires.....take along 2 with both already mounted on rims. Next is cash. Bring plenty. Lodging is expensive. Fuel is expensive. Food is expensive. Vehicle repairs are outrageous. The Milepost is the best. Don't do the trip during break up (spring thaw). Road conditions change everyday according to your location and weather. Once your up in northern British Columbia and the Yukon......don't pass up a gas station.....stay fueled up. Make sure your auto insurance carries a Canadian trip binder. Sometimes they ask for never know. Anticipate a thorough search when you enter Alaska at the border. Once inside Alaska....DO NOT will get busted. Make sure to stop at the King Mountain's north of Anchorage. Great sourdough pancakes.Tips on driving through Canada from Oregon to Alaska?
The Alaskan highway is crazy but certainly worth it. There are some spots of the road that need repaired. I went five years ago and I know that since then they have done work on it. It really out in the middle of nowhere but the scenery is gorgeous and the drive is well worth it. There are some neat stops along the way. If you are going to drive that far you might as well do the Alaskan Highway.

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