Thursday, February 9, 2012

Am I Losing My Mind Or Is It Just Me? :(?

i used to be able to multitask. now i cant. i used to be able to remember things extremely well but now i'm starting to be forgetful. when i walk or drive somewhere, my sense of direction is amazing, my family and friends dub me google maps. but now its been getting so bad, today i drove around an area i know really well for about an hour and a half trying to find the park but i was so confused i gave up with a headache. btw, i never used to be easily confused and now i am and i get these horrid migraine's that feel like someones wringing my head in their hands or like somethings trying to push out of the side of either my left or right side of my head, i don't know whats going on with me, i feel like there's somethings running around inside of me eating at my well being, and everyone i talk to thinks im over exaggerating so i stopped talking to people but its getting so bad.i cant ignore it anymore. should i go to my doctor or what... :( please helpAm I Losing My Mind Or Is It Just Me? :(?
i use to be like that its probably from stress and overworking yourself try to relax more and you should go back to your usual self as for the migraines it should be from the stress toAm I Losing My Mind Or Is It Just Me? :(?
dude go to a doc.. this sounds exactly like my mom's story (minus the migranes) and its totally normal.. but frequent migranes are not and should definitely be checked out by a doctor.

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