Thursday, February 9, 2012

San Bruno gas main explosion?

I never much thought of it before. Now I'm concerned. I know one place where there is a gas main..... here on google maps:;ll=37.32鈥?/a>;ll=37.32鈥?/a>

If you look at the street view, that sign there warns of a gas line....a couple of times sitting at that light I've discussed it with a friend....that it would take out a large chunk of that area if something ever happened to cause an explosion. But it is several miles from home and I'm only at that site a few minutes at a time a few times a month. But now it occurs to me....the pipeline goes somewhere... does it run along Lawrence Expressway? Are we driving along a pipeline that (like San Bruno) could conceivably explode at any given moment? We use a lot of gas in this area, where do the pipes run? Is there a map of them somewhere? Could my house be sitting atop a main pipe like that too? How can you tell? The sign in the street view of the map is the only one I have ever seen, but I know the pipe must run for miles and miles in two or more directions.San Bruno gas main explosion?
it's in the news yesterday and today.

PG%26amp;E is being required to inspect all the pipes.

note that there are pipes like that all over the country.

and this is the first one that has exploded like this, at least the first in many years.

The whole idea of gas lines terrifies me. I have always tried to never live anywhere that gas was piped into homes through major gas lines. It would scare me to think my house might be close to a gas main. And today they run everywhere, and many of them are old and probably need maintenance. If I were you I would start asking questions of the politicians in your area, local, state, and federal.San Bruno gas main explosion?
The reason the pipeline explosion happened in San Bruno is because the City of San Bruno permitted construction of residential homes in a designated earthquake zone in violation of State Law. The State Law was instituted soon after the Loma Prieta earthquake but due to underfunding and lack of enforcement of the law subdivision plans were approved and building permits were issued to building contractors to construct homes in a designated earthquake zone. The Department of Public Works for the City of San Bruno knows there is a four foot wide sink hole on the west side of Oakmont Drive in San Bruno that opens up periodically due to earthquakes and the City of San Bruno keeps filling the hole every time the hole opens. The shifting of the earth caused the gas transmission pipeline to separate and when it separated a small amount of gas escaped and made its way to the surface where any source of ignition would cause the gas to burst into flames and travel all the way back to the pipeline and explode as it did. The cause of the explosion of the gas pipeline isn't with PG%26amp;E as the pipeline was there prior to homes being constructed in the earthquake zone and the explosion was caused by the natural occurrence of the many earthquakes that take place all the time along the fault line. The responsibility of the loss to those whose lives were lost, injuries and loss of property is that of the City of San Bruno for not abiding by State Law regarding construction of residential homes within a designated earthquake zone. This fact may be overlooked by those who are doing the investigating of the cause because the public outcry is against PG%26amp;E and the sentiment is against PG%26amp;E and people want someone to blame and PG%26amp;E is the one people are looking at because it is their pipeline. Heaven forbid were people to show blame on the City of San Bruno at this time when everyone is sympathizing with those affected by the explosion and with the City of San Bruno's fire fighters along with fire fighters from all over the stated did all they could to mitigate the effects of the explosion. Perhaps later when people become more rational the truth will come out as I have described, but until then PG%26amp;E will do all they can to help those affected. PG%26amp;E is a responsible and community minded company and they will help even when the cause of a gas main explosion isn't theirs as they did in the Marina District in San Francisco after the Loma Prieta earthquake, even though the homes in the Marina district weren't in a designated earthquake zone, and they did so at their own expense. I ask everyone to hold back on judgment of PG%26amp;E and wait for the facts to come out as portions of the pipeline have been sent to Washington, DC for inspection and determination as to what may have been the cause. The final analysis will be held in the courts as there will be many lawsuits and all of them will name PG%26amp;E along with the City of San Bruno and the State of California. It is quite possible the courts will decide the cost sharing of all three and who will pay the most is up in the air as the court will determine the cost sharing percentage and/or amount each will pay. We will learn what happened so take the time to pray for those whose lives were shattered and give them your help and support as they try to put their lives back together.San Bruno gas main explosion?
y should we hold back on saying how we feel about the situation. A month ago they reported smelling gas. So did they fix it no they didn't. They knew there was a problem with the line. They were suppose to fix it last year and this year and they keep putting it off and putting it off. Where did all that money from getting a rate increase go. Bet it went to the top 5% of the company and they did not care about their consumers.

bet there are a lot more companies around United States of America that have pipe lines that need upgrading

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