Monday, February 6, 2012

Homework help! I even Google'd it and no luck!!?

Mr. Stupid Up-tight Full of Himself Technology Teacher Assigned us a thing. NOW, I would have it on my Flash Drive but Mr. U.F.H.T.T. said it wasn't the right kind. So now instead of Copy/Pasting answers I have to LOOK THEM UP then WRITE THEM DOWN while writing a article for my school newspaper AT THE SAME TIME. I have till Thursday! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!


Name three makers/companies who manufacture:

1) Mini Computers

2)Personal Computers (Yes, that would be PCs)

3)Notebook or Laptops (Different from PCs)

4)Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)

5)Pocket PC

6)Cellular Phones


My idea of 'Other' would be ATMs, cars, GPS systems, PROFESSIONAL Walkie Talkies, iPods, or even pedometers.

ALSO:You can repeat. I don't need the name of the company, I just need the link to the homepage


Now, get to work students ;)!!!!

Homework help! I even Google'd it and no luck!!?
1) mini pcs.

2) desktops

3)laptops .sony

4)pda hp. dell palm

5)ultra moblie pc's(umpc)? sony

6)cell lg sony apple

sorry wont allow more than ten links
1) Mini Computers - acer, asus, dell

2)Personal Computers (Yes, that would be PCs) dell, acer, HP

3)Notebook or Laptops (Different from PCs) toshiba, msi, LG

4)Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) Imate, Palm, HTC

5)Pocket PC -

6) Cell Phones - Nokia, Samsung, Motorola

7)Other - (gps) - tomtom, navman,(car) ford

Im not looking up all those websites... pretty much put and you will have the.Homework help! I even Google'd it and no luck!!?
I found this answer on Wiki in 5 seconds. You didn't try very hard, did you???

Pocket PCs are manufactured and sold by several different companies; the major manufacturers include HP (under the iPAQ and now defunct Jornada brands), Toshiba, Acer, ASUS, Dell (under the now defunct Axim brand), Fujitsu Siemens, HTC, and ViewSonic.

-MMHomework help! I even Google'd it and no luck!!?
1)I know Asus makes a tiny computer.

2)Dell, Gateway, HP

3)Acer, HP, Compaq

4)Palm is the only one I can think of

5)Don't know, sorry

6)Nokia, Apple, Motorola

9)GPS-Magellan, Garmin, TomTom
want us to do your homework for you? not a chance.
This is a huge question, so if you don't mind I'm just going to put some stuff and you may have to sort it out yourself, and do some research on things you don't know.

Mini Computers - Not sure what you mean here, but it could mean notebooks like the Sony VAIO TZ (Search that).

In which case...Sony, HP, Lenovo (U110, search it)

PCs - Lenovo, HP (Hewlett-Packard), Dell

Notebooks - same three (Apple as well)

PDAs - Palm, RIM (Research In Motion), HTC

Pocket PCs - HTC (I don't know what it stands for either), Asus, Samsung.

Cellphones - Sony Ericsson, Nokia, LG Electronics

Other - Garmin makes GPSs, Apple makes MP3 players and so does Sony, Panasonic make portable radios ("walkie-talkies,") you can probably do cars yourself (think MSN Autos).

Sorry that I can't think of anything in the way of ATMs, but this is all using my brainpower.

Also, I recommend you do some background research on these companies if possible, because you could get called on and not know anything, and you'd be in deep trouble.

Good luck, and I hope I could help.

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